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Home » Health » 6 “Comfortable” Habits That Are Secretly Ruining Your Health

6 “Comfortable” Habits That Are Secretly Ruining Your Health

What to do: Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed. If you’re really hungry, opt for a light snack, like a small handful of almonds or a piece of fruit.

3. Too Much Screen Time: Feels Like Relaxation, But It’s Harming Your Eyes and Sleep

In the age of screens, it’s tempting to unwind with your phone or laptop. But that constant exposure to blue light before bed is tricking your brain into thinking it’s daytime, disrupting your natural sleep cycle.

You might not notice it at first, but prolonged screen time can lead to eye strain, headaches, and sleepless nights. And over time, it can seriously impact your overall health and productivity.

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